Sunday, December 15, 2013

Peek at my Week 12/15

The week before break....sigh. The behavior....sigh. These babies just do not do well with changes in their schedule. It's partially my fault. I've made them creatures of habit, and being out of their routine is a big fat no-no for them!

But anyway, we had a fantastic last week learning about Hanukkah and Kwanzaa (didn't quite get to Diwali, we'll hit it after break!). I have a post all ready to go to talk about all of the holiday fun we've had at the end of the week :) This week, we are going to finish Kwanzaa, and learn about Las Posadas and Christmas! My kiddos have really enjoyed learning about the different traditions.

We are still working on really hitting the sight words hard. Have you seen the Have Fun Teaching songs for sight words? They are awesome! I used them for letters and now sight words. I totally get that best practice is for students to experience sight words in their reading BUT some repetitive practice is necessary too!!

And this Harry Kindergarten sight word rap is so cute! It is introducing a lot of sight words at the same time, but it is also a fun, engaging transition song!

I am going to start playing this song as a transition into our reading block! We are going to be learning a bunch of new sight word games this week.

We will also be focusing on subtraction! We will be doing a lot of story problems in our math journals to practice.

Lots going on this week, so here is a Peek at my Week!

Have a great last week before break!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Peek and My Week! 12/9

So I don't know about you, but this is about the time of the year when I look at my curriculum and think AHH? I'm supposed to be where???

So I took a deep breath and spent my snow day Friday (after spending half the day sleeping and reading Insurgent of course) collecting myself and preparing to buckle down these next 2 weeks (yeah right!).

But I'm going to try! We are going to really hit the sight words hard these next two weeks because I would love to start working on medial vowels/blending when I get back in January. I don't know about you all, but I have a TON of assessments that need to be done before I leave and I don't know when I'm going to fit them all in!!

I don't have the energy to post up all of the crafts and activities, so I will after we do them :)

I'm linking up with Mrs. Wills Kindergarten for a Peek at My Week!

Here are my plans for this week...

Enjoy your week! Only 2 weeks till Christmas break :)

Sunday, December 1, 2013

TPT Playlist and a Peek at my Week

So my wish list for the HUGE TPT Cyber Monday and Tuesday sale is entirely too long, but I'm so excited for the discounts!!!

So I'm participating in the Deck the Halls linky with Bunting, Books and Bainbridge for my TPT playlist!

So I'll begin with some of my best-sellers....Oh Management, Oh Management!

These behavior charts are themed for tons of different themed classrooms. The pack not only includes the chart itself, but also an independent behavior sheet, sheet to make better choices, and an explanation of expectations for parents!

And now It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Reading...

These are all products to help your kiddos become better readers, whether it is through sight words, spelling patterns, or cute songs about the farm!

Last but not least is Walking in a Math Wonderland...

These products are not only wonderful for teaching important math skills, but are also aligned to the CCSS!

And last but not least, I'm linking up with Mrs. Wills Kindergarten for a Peek at my Week!

I'm getting reared up for a tough 3 weeks for my kiddos. Holidays always get them crazy! We are just going to have to pack in a ton of learning :)

You can see my plans here :)

Have a fantastic week!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Peek at my Week...late 11/11

I moved into my apartment this weekend so my plans are just getting done now. And I have lots to do so I am just going to post my plans and get back to unpacking :)

Link up with Mrs. Wills Kindergarten and do the same!

Here are my plans:

Sunday, November 3, 2013

My Weekly Schedule, Currently, and a Peek at my Week!

Well I have to week ended quite nicely. I got my kids hopped up on sugar and sent them off for Halloween fun and NO SCHOOL FRIDAY! Woo :) It was records day for me, but that's still a day off in my book. And I don't know about you other teachers, but I NEVER get school time to just work on my room, and my finishing my report cards early, I had 6 uninterrupted hours to just organize and work!

So I got my lesson plans done early, and it gave me time to check out some linky parties!

The first one is from Susan at Thank God It's First Grade called What's Your Schedule? I thought this was such a good idea! I love seeing how other teachers organize their day. I unfortunately have no control over my schedule, but I like to see what others do.
This is my schedule. I will preface it by saying I don't love it! But it's what I have to live with so I make it work :)
8:45-9:15 Arrival, Announcements, Morning Work, and Jobs
This part of my day I like! First of all, I am NOT a morning person and being a late start school is fantastic. The kiddos are all wide awake and ready to learn when they get to school.
So when my kiddos get to school, they do their morning routine and start their morning work. Every morning except for Fridays, we do DeeDee Wills' Read, Trace, Glue, and Draw. I bought all three of her bundles and let me tell you...these babies are gold!
Halloween Read, Trace, Glue, and Draw
First of all, the kiddos know what to do EVERY DAY. No more Miss M, Miss M, how do I do this? Drove me crazy! Now my kiddos know what to do every single day. Second, this not only helps my kiddos with handwriting, but improves their cutting skills, one to one correspondence, left to right directionality, reverse sweep, sight words, making detailed illustrations, counting, etc. I could go on and on! Try them out!
When they finish their morning work, they are allowed to play any of our math station/literacy station games until I start our morning song for calendar.
9:15-9:55 Calendar and Math Workshop
Yes...I know. 40 minutes for calendar and math...its awful. But it's what I have to work with, so I make it happen. I think calendar is important enough to still take up 15 minutes of our math time because not only are we practicing literacy/math skills, it is am important life skill that I am not going to keep them from learning!
Anywho, that leaves us with about 25 minutes for math. Generally, this means that I either do mini-lesson/whole group activity, or mini-lesson/math stations. We do not have time to do all three. And I am usually five minutes late to specials...whoops :)
9:55-10:50 Specials
10:50-12:00 Reader's Workshop
We spend the first 15 minutes of reader's workshop having snack, doing a bathroom break, and watching ABC/character education videos.
Then, we do our mini lesson, me time (independent reading), we time (partner/book tub reading), and our read-aloud lesson.
12:00-12:25 Literacy Stations
My kiddos love these! Our literacy stations include computer station, ABC station, Word Work station, listening station, and poetry station.
During all of reader's workshop and literacy stations I am pulling groups (minus the mini lesson and read-aloud). I drill routines into my kiddos and I trust them to do what they need to do while I'm busy with their friends. Plus, they LOVE coming to my table to work with me, so no one wants to misbehave and lose the privilege!
12:25-1:05 Writer's Workshop
We always start writer's workshop with a mini lesson, and then my kiddos get right to work. They honestly work the whole time. I work really hard to get them excited about books and excited about their stories and they groan when I tell them time is up! I spend writing time conferring with individual students. Right now, my kiddos are in such different places that I cannot really pull writing groups, but eventually, I will do that too!
Later in the year when the kiddos are better readers and writers, the literacy stations time will dissolve into reader's and writer's workshop.
1:05-1:35 Lunch
1:35-1:45 Bathroom Break
1:45-2:10 Rest Time/Academic Lab
This time is really pivotal for my kiddos. Having a full day kindergarten program, my kiddos need this time of rest. For the first few months, it is just time. Then, it turns into an academic lab, where students are working on individual reading/math/writing skills.
2:10-2:35 Science/Social Studies
I switch off teaching science and social studies. We spend a few weeks on each unit and then move into the other subject. We don't have time in the day nor enough material to teach both at the same time.
2:35-3:05 Recess
3:05-3:45 Learning Centers
This is awesome time for my kiddos to learn how to collaborate and play together, build relationships, and practice those skills we are learning throughout the day. It is also a time when I can pull kiddos for extra help. Since I have such minimal time for math, many times I use this part of the day to pull math groups.
3:45-4:00 Pack Up and Dismissal
So that's my day! Not my ideal schedule, but we manage to make it work! Head on over to Susan's blog and share yours!
Next is November Currently from Oh' Boy Fourth Grade! These are so fun to do! Wild Wild West! I haven't watched this movie in years :)
Loving...that I am moving into my new apartment next weekend! It is actually final now :) Woo!
Thinking...I need to start packing!
Wanting...To not do this grad school project due tomorrow. My partner and I have worked on it for so long already I just want it to be finished! get motivated! I have a lot to do today!
A Yummy Pin...I've seen this one before, but they just look so good!!! Cheddar biscuits :) Yum!
Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuits Recipe. Delish.And last, a peek at my week! We have a late start day (2 hour delay) for PD on Wednesday and a special Veteran's day assembly on Friday, so it's a little different than usual. Link up over at Mrs. Wills Kindergarten!
Here are my plans! Starting three new units this week :(

And if you are looking for any Veteran's Day activities, check out my Honoring Our Soldiers pack!

Enjoy your week!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

TONS of freebies for Target and Dollar Tree buys!....Holla for a Dolla! Halloween Edition

So I don't know about you, but I constantly pass the cute little games in the Dollar bins at Target and at Dollar Tree that I look at and say, " I could totally use those for my classroom." Then I buy them and don't know where to start!

Well look no further, I have taken tons of items from the Target Dollar Spot and Dollar Tree and turned them into math/literacy (mostly math) games with response sheets!

I'm cleverly calling this.....Holla for a Dolla!

If this is popular/useful, I will continue to make these games for seasons/holidays as they come!

The first item is those cute little erasers from the Target Dollar Spot! Get the following games here!

These guys have endless possibilities...but these are the few ideas that I came up with!

Candy Count: Choose a number card (0-20 provided), and then match that amount of candy corn erasers. A response sheet is included if wanted! 

Franken-Tower: Using your little erasers, have students make a tower as tall as they can without it falling over. Each time the tower falls, count how many erasers were used and record it.

Pumpkin Pick-Up: Play this game like you play jacks. Bounce a ball and pick up pumpkins in the same hand before you catch it. Record how many pumpkins you picked up and then write the two numbers that come next.

The Skeleton or the Pumpkin?: Grab your skeleton and pumpkin erasers. Record how many of each you have and then circle the bigger number. 

Next on my list is the table scatter from Target Dollar Spot! I saw orange pumpkins, red leaves, and brown leaves available, but I only got pumpkins and red leaves.

There are tons of ways to use these cute little counters, and you can get my ideas here!

Grab a Pumpkin and Grab a Leaf: In both of these games, students simply grab a handful of pumpkins/leaves and count how many they grabbed.

Hit the Magic Spot: In this two player game (pumpkins vs. leaves), each player takes their turn rolling 1 dice and covering that many spots on their side. The first person to reach the magic spot with that exact number wins!

Line Em' Up: Choose a leaf card (0-5) or (0-10) depending on your kids needs and fill the ten frame up with that many leaves. Then, fill the rest with pumpkins and create an equation for a combination of 5 or a combination of 10.

This table scatter is so fun! You can use it for so much more!
The next item is the spider rings from Target Dollar Spot! (And spider ice cube trays from the Target Dollar Spot!)
These guys can be used for EVERYTHING! Spider rings are fantastic :) But you can see my ideas here!
Spider Six: Students roll their dice. Then, they grab that many green spiders to match that number for the ice cube tray. They fill the rest up with the purple spiders and make an equation for a combination of 6. They color in the green/purple squares to match the numbers in their equation.

Dead Ringer: Students gently throw a handful of spiders in the air. They count how many landed on their feet (alive) and how many landed on their backs (dead) and make an equation. 

Webby Match: Students count the correct amount of spider rings to match the number on the webby card. Numbers 0-20 are included for easy differentiation.

These cute spider rings are perfect little counters for pretty much any counting activity you have!
Now on to the Dollar Tree purchases! Starting with...Dollar Tree Foam stickers!
These foam stickers are obviously super fun for art projects and decorating, but they can be used for more academic stuff too! You can get my ideas here!

Sticky Graph: Give students a baggie of stickers for them to sort. Then, create a graph with the stickers. Two graphs are included depending on the size of the stickers.

Scary Match: Give students a baggy of stickers for them to sort. Then, students count how many of each sticker they have and match to the number. For example, 2 witches on 2, 4 spiders on 4, etc.

Make a Pattern: Give students a bag of stickers. Have them choose a pattern card, and then make a pattern using that rule with their stickers.

Sticker Story: Give students a sticker. Then, have them write a story about it! (I left it neutral in case you want to use it for any other types of stickers!)

 I love how easy it is to use these stickers for other things!

The next item is the Night Creatures from the Dollar Tree! These little flies are a little gross, but my boys especially will like to use them!

You can get my ideas for these creepy crawlies here!

Hide-A-Bug: The students grab a handful of bugs. They count them and then cover a certain amount with a cup. Their goal is to try to figure out what number is on the cup using the other two numbers in their equation.

Shoo Fly: Students CAREFULLY throw a handful of bugs in the air. Then count how many are on their feet (alive) and on their backs (dead). Use these numbers to write an equation.

These were super creepy so I didn't think of too many games for these haha!

The next Dollar Tree item is the Halloween erasers! These puppies are so cute!!

These erasers were perfect for all kinds of activities. Here are my ideas :)

Make A Pattern: Students choose a pattern card and complete the pattern. They could also extend it further.

Grab and Graph: Students grab a handful of erasers. Then, they count and graph it using the graph paper below.

Secret Story: Students grab a "secret eraser." Then, they write a story about the character they see.

I think this is my favorite buy! They are just so cute!

The last item are the Dollar Tree ice cube trays!

These cute little trays are perfect for making equations and counting! These are my ideas!

Crazy Eyes: Students choose a blue eye card. Then, they fill the cube tray with that many blue eyes. Finish filling the tray with the gold eyes. Then, write an equation to create a combination of 5 or 10.

Pumpkin Pumpkin: Put the 1-10 pumpkin numbers in the bottom of the ice cube tray. Then students fill the tray with the little pumpkins (from Target Dollar spot) to match the number.

Skelo-teen: Put the 11-20 skeleton numbers in the bottom of the ice cube tray. Then students fill the tray with the little skeletons (from Target Dollar spot) to match the number.

These by no means are the only ideas to use these Dollar Tree/Target Dollar Spot finds....but I feel like they are useful! Hopefully you can use them with your kiddos!
Have a great Halloween week with your students! Hopefully they aren't too crazy :)