Friday, February 10, 2012

TPT Store Fluency Passages!

I have starting creating items for my TPT store! Ahh! I just need to start covering costs for how much money I spend on my students :(

I am so, so excited to share these fluency passages. I made them mostly for my over-achievers, who always finish their work early. We have been working on the a_e, i_e, o_e, and u_e long vowel patterns. So I made a read the room activity for each pattern. The students will read sentences, that include words following one of these patterns. They will choose (or you will choose for them), one of the three response sheets available in these packs. And the best part...they are only $1 each!

Here are some pictures of the preview packet for the Long O Read the Room Fluency Passages.

Here are some pictures of the preview packet for the Long O Read the Room Fluency Passages.

The packets for Long A (a_e), Long I (i_e), and Long U (u_e) all follow the same format, so it is easy for the students to independently complete this activity.

I hope they can help your students when you are introducing long vowel sounds!

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