Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Lovely Blog Reward and a Thank You Freebie!!

I am so grateful for all the wonderful blogs that I read every day. I get so many incredible ideas and activities from them. As a first year teacher who has nothing, I feel so incredibly blessed to have so many resources and knowledge available to me everyday!

Ms. T from Second Grade Math Maniac has awarded me the Lovely Blog Award! I am so grateful that the ideas and activities that I do with my little first graders everyday can be helpful to other people!

The rules of this award say that I need to pass the award onto 15 others bloggers. Phew! I'll stick to the blogs I frequent the most and see how many I get!
  • The First Grade Parade (I get more incredible ideas from you that I can even count! I love all of your TPT products too!)
  • The Techy Teacher (I am so trying to be technologically advanced and you make everything so easy and understandable! Thank you!)
  • Sailing Through First (You give away so many wonderful freebies and everything you make is adorable!)
  • Mrs. Bumgardner's First Grade Class (The amount of craftivities your class does amazes me. My kids would fall on the floor if they got to do as many amazing crafts as your kids do! I get so many ideas from you every time I look at your blog!)
  • Oceans of First Grade Fun (You were one of the first blogs I ever stalked and you got me hooked! Thank you for all your wonderful ideas!)
  • Crazy for First Grade (You are phenomenal. Wonderful does not even begin to describe what you provide on your blog. I am so grateful for you! I love all your TPT products too!!)
  • Rowdy in First Grade (You ideas are so cute. I love all the hands on and interactive activities you do!)
Of course I picked bloggers that probably get this award 50 times a day because they are so awesome, but their knowledge has helped me beyond belief!

If you would like to give this award to someone else, the rules for this award are:
1. Link back to the person who gave it to you
2. Pass the award to 15 other Lovely bloggers. 
3. Follow the person who sent it to you!

And to say thank you for giving me this award, here is a little prewriting freebie. We are working on the writing process, and I am trying to get my little guys to think of ideas for their writing, without actually writing the whole story. The idea is to complete the idea web first, and then narrow their thinking to 2 story ideas.

Thanks again for my award!


  1. Well how sweet are you?! Thank you so much for the kind comment....you made my day!

    Gena @ The Techy Teacher

  2. Hey Sarah! Thanks so much for the award! I'm your newest follower.

    Ms. A
    Oceans of First Grade Fun

  3. Check out my new Kindergarten blog!


    Ashlee @ Peace, Love & Kindergarten

  4. This is so cute! Thank you for sharing. =)

    You are a sweetheart and remind me so much of a friend of mine who's smile lights up a room...just like your's!

    Heather's Heart
