Monday, May 14, 2012

Look what we grew!!

My prayers to Mother Nature worked! All of the seeds that we planted last week have grown! AHHHH :) I wish I would have taken pictures of the kids faces when we opened up their bean seed baggies today. Priceless!

We planted our seeds in two ways. First, I bought one of those mixed beans soup bags at the grocery store. My kiddos got to choose two bean seeds. We put the bean seeds in ziploc baggies with damp paper towels (not dripping), and hung them on a sunny window. This was our experiment to see if a plant could grow without soil.

We put these up on the window last Monday, and today.....

These are just two of the dozens of bean seeds that were growing away! We had a wonderful discussion about the roots and the root hairs, and about how the seed coat protects the plant until it grows away and falls off. They just could not believe that these little seeds grew this much in a week. (To tell you the truth, neither could I!)

We also planted some seeds in our sensory table outside. We wanted to see what had grown, if anything, and we dug up all the seeds today. We planted 75 bean seeds, (5 for each student), and 55 HAD A ROOT! Is that not crazy? We are going to replant them individually tomorrow! I think I might be more excited than the kids...

Before we planted anything, we read How A Seed Grows by Helene J. Jordan.

This was a really awesome story to read to show students that seeds do not all grow at the same speed. We did a cute little drawing activity to go along with this concept. In the story, it talks about how when an oak tree seed is completely grown, you may be a parent or a grandparent. So we drew pictures of what we would look like when seeds turned into plants.

We also went outside and make observations about nature.

You can get both documents here!

We also used little plant literacy and math activities that I got from Cara Carroll. You can find them on her blog here. They were wonderful! My kiddos loved them :)

We also did a fantastic activiy that I found from Lisa at Don't Just Do It, Teach It! We were working on learningthe parts of a plant, and how each part works. Her little craft is an awesome visual of what we see outwardly on the plant, and what is going on underneath the surface. We labeled the petals, leaves, stem, and the roots in the flower pot!

My kiddos are unfortunately not-so-good with scissors, and I made them cut out everything by themselves, so they aren't quite as pretty but still cute!

I only have 9 DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT!!! I'm not excited at all...

Have a great week!

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