Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Welcome Puppies and Guest Blogging!

I have been a little MIA the last few weeks are for a good reason....we were expecting puppies! My little Dottie is only 10 months old and she gave birth yesterday to 4 beautiful little puppies.

Dottie was a stray that we rescued from out in the country about 2 months ago, and low and behold her belly just kep getting bigger and bigger and we find out she's pregnant. Nothing like not having any warning!

Here are my little babies that I am already in love with!

Can you believe it? 4 dark puppies from my white dog!

She's such a good mama! Poor thing is not even a year old and she has completely taken to being a mom...including being very aggressive towards any dog that comes near her. So protective!

Just thought I'd share my good news and explain my absence! Head over to Second Grade Math Maniac tomorrow where I will be guest blogging for Casey while she is on vacation! I will be sharing about ongoing math projects that I do throughout the week, month, and year in my classroom. Stop by and check it out!

Have a great Wednesday,


  1. Hi Sarah! I'm your newest follower, as I guest blogged for Casey too! Your puppies are adorable! And I LOVED your estimation ideas! Come check out my blog when you get a chance!
    The Gypsy Teacher

  2. Ohmigoodness those pups are adorable!! I just found your blog and I am your newest follower :)

    T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)
