Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 4 of giveaways and freebies!!

Hello everyone!

Today is Day 4 of my week of freebies and giveaways!! If you Sunday's freebie, please click here to get my behavior chart stuff!

If you missed Day 2's freebies, please click here to get my Back to School Antonyms game.

If you missed Day 3's freebies, please chick here to get my Fun on the Farm Parts of Speech game.

Remember, you have a chance to win everything and anything from my store! Just follow my blog, follow my TPT store, and blog about my giveaway/freebie week on your blog and get three entries to win! Please comment on the Day 1 post as this is where I will be choosing the winner from! That post is here!

And just as an added end of summer bonus, if you post about my giveaway on your blog, you will get my 4 best selling products on TPT for free! I will e-mail them to you :) I am trying really hard to build up followers!

Today, I have freebie #4 for you! It's the Busy Bee Place Value game! This is definitely something that I found this year that I did not teach enough of. Place value is such an important building block for higher thinking math skills and I realized later in the year that I really needed to introduce this sooner in the year and work on it for longer. Showing students all the different ways a number can be presented is the best way to reach all types of learners. This game could be played independently as a math tub/math station, or could be a "Go Fish" type of game.

Be sure to continue to check back each day this week for more freebies!! And remember to comment on Day 1 to be entered to win everything in my store!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Thank you for sharing these wonderful activities. My students will enjoy them immensely!

  2. Thanks for the freebie! I am your newest follower. I woould love for you to come and check out my blog if you get a chance.

  3. Great activity! Thanks for sharing:-)
