Monday, August 12, 2013

Teacher Week Day #1: Let's Talk About Me!

I'm linking up with Blog Hoppin' for Teacher Week 2013!

I'm super excited about Teacher Week! I start school tomorrow, but I'm going to try my best to be involved everyday. I love hearing about how other teachers do their thing :)

Today is Let's Talk about Me Monday! Since I HATE talking about myself, I thought this 10 fun things about me format would be perfect :)

1. This is my third year of teaching! I can't believe I've already been a teacher for two. I have taught first grade, second grade, and now I'm starting with the babies in kindergarten! What a change! But I am so excited :)

2. I am an organizational freak. I found this out when looking at my storage shelves that half of what is "stored" are actually storage materials. I HAVE A PROBLEM.

3. I foster dogs! It is such a rewarding experience, even though I cry like a baby every time one of them gets adopted :) Here are my most recent babies! Turbo and Sulley just got adopted today!

4. I am slowly getting into the process of moving! I still live with my parents :( I'm only 24! But I wanted to wait until after the first crazy month or two of school to start another crazy adventure. Cleaning out all of my stuff is so hard! I hate throwing stuff away!

5. I have a serious caffeine addiction. REAL serious. Like the "I get a headache if I don't have caffeine every hour" type of addiction. My day starts with me making some Dunkin' Donuts coffee...that stuff is the best! Then it's Diet Coke for the rest of the day. I know it's bad for me, but I can't help it!

 6. I love to travel! I got to spend a summer abroad in college in Ireland and have been trying to save my money to go back ever since!

7. I am in grad school. UCK! I love it and hate it at the same time. I am getting my reading specialist certification and a masters in elementary education. My big pet peeve right now is that to be certified in reading, you have to be certified K-12, and that means I have to do a practicum with a high schooler! When am I ever going to use that?

8. I LOVE to shop! What teacher doesn't? I spend entirely too much money on my classroom. But for me personally, my favorite store is Target! I swear I cannot go into that store and leave for less than $50 :) Oops!

9. I am trying SO HARD to be a good blogger. I started this blog about a year and a half ago and it is so hard to keep up with during teaching! Especially when I have a more rigid curriculum to follow, it's hard to be creative to put stuff on here. I'm trying! I am looking into a new blog design too so I look better :) Any ideas of good designers that aren't too expensive?

10. I absolutely love my job. Teaching is all I ever wanted to do and I truly care about my students. This night before the first day of school is always so nerve-wracking for me. I am truly the teacher from "First Day Jitters!" I am just as scared as the kids. But after a few days they are my babies and always will be. It melted my heart that one of my second grade kiddos from last year came and visited me during meet the teacher last week and broke down in tears because I wasn't going to be her teacher this year :( So sweet!

I have an awesome classroom tour planned for tomorrow so make sure you come back and check it out :)


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