Sunday, August 18, 2013

TPT Sale and Best and Most Linky Party!

So last week was Teacher Week, and I only managed to participated in the first few days because I was barely surviving my first few days of kindergarten. They are so sweet and innocent but my goodness...they can't do anything! I forget how much help and routine building it takes when they come in as little babes!

Anyway, I am participating in the Back to School Sale on TPT! My store will be 20% off and you can get up to 28% off by entering promo code BTS13. My store will be on sale from August 18-19. Thanks to Zip-A-Dee-Do-Dah Designs for this button!

I am also joining in the Best and Most Linky Party from Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge!

Bunting Books and Bainbridge

These are products from my TPT store that are my best and most!

 My teacher's pet product is my new CCSS aligned math packet Oh What Fun! K.CC.1 :) It is a packet specifically focused on the first Counting and Cardinality CCSS. I find that there is not as much out there for teaching this specific standard, and this is going to help my kiddos so much!

The product that is most likely to help your students succeed are my calendar journals. They are a perfect way to incorporate calendar, ELA, math, and life skills into a fun and quick activity. Since calendar skills are not really included in the CCSS, this is an easy way to incorporate them! The calendar journals start in August with the most simple skills, and gradually get harder and harder. If you would like an example, the May journal is free!

Lastly, my best couple are my Back to School Math and Literacy Stations and My Sweet Sight Words pack. Both are fun, highly motivational, and a great way to start off your school year!

Enjoy the sale!

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