Monday, August 25, 2014

Peek at my Week Short and Sweet! (8/25)

I'm linking up with Mrs. Wills for a Peek at My Week! Here are my plans :) I'll have some pictures of our latest work coming soon.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Teacher Week: Classroom Reveal!

I'm linking up again with Blog Hoppin' for Teacher Week to show you my classroom!

Unfortunately, I did not get any classroom pictures before my classroom was "lived in" for almost two weeks. OH WELL!

I was lucky enough to get to move into the BIG kindergarten classroom this year! WOO! So although I'm in a new room, I had a good idea how I wanted to set it up from teaching kindergarten last year!

Here are some pictures of the whole room:

I use the "less is more" ideal when preparing my classroom. I feel like some classrooms have SO many posters, resources, decorations, etc. that I can't imagine how the kiddos concentrate! Why put up a resource before a kiddo knows how to use it? I hope my classroom is a happy medium of welcoming and non-distracting!

My computers

My meeting area

My teacher desk for me!

Art supplies/missing color drawers

View of some student tables

Front view of the library! Love my hungry caterpillar!!

Side view of the student library

This is my writing center! It also shows an example of my students things. We don't have desks or storage of any kind, so their journals/books and such are kept here. They each have a book box. Then in the blue bin are their: calendar journals, math journals, poetry journals, writing folders, and math books.

Science center, puzzles, listening center, and my safe spot!

Student mailboxes

Character education board!

Home center!

Student frames and hooks!

Math and word work centers

Art center

Alphabet, word wall, and reading resource wall!

Blocks/building materials

Math resource wall

Phew! That's my room :) Please feel free to comment if you have any questions about how I did anything!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Teacher Week, Peek at My Week and TPT Sale!

Whew! That title is a mouthful, but at the beginning of school, I have to cram in as much as possible in my limited time!

I'll start with my first post for Teacher Week 2014!


Today, the question is Who? So I will be telling you a little bit more about myself :)

My name is Sarah and I teach kindergarten in St. Louis, MO! This is my second year teaching kindergarten, but my fourth year teaching overall! I have also taught first grade and second grade. I love my little kinder babies and awesome school!

I have a wonderful family! They support me in everything that I do and put up with all my teaching craziness. This is my mom and I in Nashville last spring break!

I also have some amazing friends. Best of all, most of them are teachers! So I have tons of people in my life to bounce ideas off of. And I can't forget my wonderful kinder team! I don't know what I would do without these ladies :)

In my free time, I foster dogs! My latest baby just got adopted this weekend. Look at that face!!

And last, 10 things about me!

And here is a little peek at my week! I'm linking up with Mrs. Wills Kindergarten! I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off, so I am going to work to try to have some pictures from the first week soon!

Last....there is going to be a special TPT boost sale on August 20th! You can get products in my store for 28% off! Who doesn't love bonus savings???

Thanks Karen for the cute button!

Stop by my store to check out all the savings!

Stop in tomorrow for pics of my classroom!!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Giveaway Winners for Back 2 School Blog Hop!

Thanks so much for everyone who participated in the Back 2 School Bloghop/Giveaway! I had so much fun and got some amazing ideas and freebies from these lovely ladies!!





grab button for First Grade is Fantabulous  


So we were giving away these awesome products....

And the winners are...

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Congrats ladies! I will email you the products tomorrow!
Happy Friday!