Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Teacher Week: Classroom Reveal!

I'm linking up again with Blog Hoppin' for Teacher Week to show you my classroom!

Unfortunately, I did not get any classroom pictures before my classroom was "lived in" for almost two weeks. OH WELL!

I was lucky enough to get to move into the BIG kindergarten classroom this year! WOO! So although I'm in a new room, I had a good idea how I wanted to set it up from teaching kindergarten last year!

Here are some pictures of the whole room:

I use the "less is more" ideal when preparing my classroom. I feel like some classrooms have SO many posters, resources, decorations, etc. that I can't imagine how the kiddos concentrate! Why put up a resource before a kiddo knows how to use it? I hope my classroom is a happy medium of welcoming and non-distracting!

My computers

My meeting area

My teacher area...no desk for me!

Art supplies/missing color drawers

View of some student tables

Front view of the library! Love my hungry caterpillar!!

Side view of the student library

This is my writing center! It also shows an example of my students things. We don't have desks or storage of any kind, so their journals/books and such are kept here. They each have a book box. Then in the blue bin are their: calendar journals, math journals, poetry journals, writing folders, and math books.

Science center, puzzles, listening center, and my safe spot!

Student mailboxes

Character education board!

Home center!

Student frames and hooks!

Math and word work centers

Art center

Alphabet, word wall, and reading resource wall!

Blocks/building materials

Math resource wall

Phew! That's my room :) Please feel free to comment if you have any questions about how I did anything!