I linked up with Blog Hoppin' for Theraputic Thursday and will be playing a little catch up for Where I Teach Wednesday!
For where I teach Wednesday, I can show you my beautiful newly constructed classroom. Since I was hired 4 days (not 4 work days either!) before school started, and my room was literally completely empty, I'm pretty proud of myself for how my room came together! There isn't much on the walls, because we weren't encouraged to put a bunch of staples in the fresh walls!
This is the view from my main classroom door (I have 2 inside doors and 1 outside door). I love love love my frames on the wall to display the kiddos artwork and writing!
This is my desk area. I am not in this space very often, but it is where I organize everything and is where the kids spend their teacher desk coupons!
This is my classroom library! We use the Fountas and Pinnell leveling system, so I have a large guided reading library, in addition to genre books. Each student has their own book box.
I am beyond lucky that I have 8 computers in my classroom! You can also see my bookshelf of math manipulatives on the back wall.
This is my meeting area! I am lucky enough to have a wonderful smartboard that I use for everything!
This is my writing table where the students get all kinds of brainstorming paper, graphic organizers, writing paper, publishing books, class journals, and more!
This is my classroom in a nutshell! I am currently in the process of making an EU and EQ wall. I will post about this project when it is finished!
Now for Theraputic Thursday...
I would be lying if I said that I don't go home after a hard day and do absolutely nothing. I get a class of my favorite wine...
and some sushi...
and watch some Crimimal Minds or some Olivia and Elliot in SVU...
And I veg all night :)
What do you do?
Almost Friday,
Your room looks great! I love your pics for Therapeutic Thursday. Glad I found your blog. I am your newest follower.
Bright Concepts 4 Teachers
I love your room! I became a follower:)
My two favorite shows!! Unfortunately I'm thinking every night is a therapeutic night...we watch those most nights:)