Monday, September 3, 2012

New TPT products GIVEAWAY and Teacher Certification Degrees interview!

Happy long weekend everyone! I have enjoyed relaxing and doing absolutely nothing and it has been fantastic!

So first, I have a few new TPT products that I would like to share with you. (Seriously, I will be sharing it with many of you for free!)

First, I have an awesome way to introduce and motivate your students to learn their sight words! It's called My Sweet Sight Words and you can find it on my TPT store!

Included in the pack are:
-letter to parents (1 page)
-take-home sweet sight word list (1 page)
-work work pages for each sight word (38 pages)
-review pages for each candy (5 pages)
-teacher assessment pages for each candy (5 pages)
-certificates for each candy (5 pages)
-overall student data page (1 page)

This is the dolch pre-primer edition of words, and I am currently working on the primer and first grade editions!

If you follow my blog and post about this on your blog, I will e-mail it to you for free! Be sure to leave a comment about it below!

Second, I have made a really awesome calendar assistant for your primary classrooms! My Calendar Journals are sure to help your students become more comfortable and confident in their calendar skills.

Right now, the calendar journals for August, September, and October are posted, and the rest of the months will come along as the year goes on! 

If you follow my blog and post about this on your blog, I will e-mail it to you for free! Be sure to leave a comment about it below!

Last, I have the perfect back to school solution to review those important literacy and math skills! My Back to School Literacy and Math Stations pack is on my TPT store.

If you follow my blog and post about this on your blog, I will e-mail it to you for free! Be sure to leave a comment about it below!

So that is a chance to get $20 worth of my TPT products for free! And all you have to do is follow my blog and post about this giveaway on your blog! Awesome deal right? I know! I would just love to build up some love for my TPT store!

Also, just to brag about myself a little bit...I received an email from Teacher Certification Degrees (the one that gives out the top blog awards!) and they asked me if they could interview me for the Q and A section of the website! How cool right? If you would be interested, you can find the interview here!

I will be posting soon about the latest happenings in my classroom so stay tuned!

And remember if you follow my blog and post about my products, I will send them to you for free (just leave your email!)!

Happy short week!


  1. Wow! These are amazing! I love them all! I am new to blogging, so I hope I do this right:)

  2. I don't have blog, but if you count pinning then I pinned them here:

    Great stuff!

  3. This is a great giveaway! I shared your giveaway on my blog! These items are all fabulous! Thanks!

  4. Thanks so much. I follow your blog. (kidzread) and I emailed my friends about your giveaway.

  5. Love the ideas:)
    swaitman. 6@gmail. com

  6. All your work is great! I just keep pinning & pinning! Thank you for making this all available as giveaways. What a great help.
