I LOVE the season of fall! I get to teach some of my favorite units. I love teaching about seasons, the five senses, apples, and all that fun stuff! We've got a lot of that planned for this week. I'm linking up with Mrs. Wills Kindergarten for a Peek at my Week.

Get a copy of my lesson plans here.
I finally got around to uploading some of my pictures and want to share with you some of the name activities that we have been working on!
I got a lot of my ideas/activities from Deanna Jump's Literacy and Math Fun with Names unit.
We read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and made our own coconut trees. My kiddos got the letters in their name and got to hang them from the tree however they wanted! Then, we counted how many letters were in our names.
These little sweeties stayed pretty close to the box. I had some kiddos that put letters on the back of the paper!
We also used Deanna's cute poem Bippity Boppity Bumblebee to practice syllables. We did this before through our Star Student days earlier in the year, so my kids were pretty familiar with the concept. They loved the cute song and loved making the class book even more!
We also read Silly Sally! I always forget home much my kids love this book until I read it again :) We used the language from the book to create a class book (also from Deanna's unit). I modified it a little and added in a picture of my kiddos! They thought this was the coolest!
We also made rainbow names! I used this activity along with DeeDee Wills' Sticky Situation poem from her August and September Poetry Stations pack. My kiddos needed to practice the "just a dot" method and this was the perfect way to do it. I just happened to have a TON of tissue paper cut up so it worked out perfectly! Here is a finished product.
This was also our first week of our emergent storybook unit. I love starting with the Little Red Hen because it's always a favorite!
We colored our own retelling pieces and practiced telling the story to each other.
We also talked about how the little red hen was such a big helper. She helped so much in her house and no one else did. We talked about how we could be helpers, at home and at school. These are some of the ideas my kiddos came up with.
Sweep the floor.
Make the bed.
Stack the chairs.
They had so much fun with them and it was super easy to differentiate for my kiddos who are ready to stretch out sounds!
This week is apple fun and the Three Little Pigs! More fun to come for fall :)
Have a great week!
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