Alleluia! I'm actually getting these plans on here on time this week! I'm linking up with Mrs. Wills Kindergarten to share a Peek at My Week!

You can get a copy of my lesson plans here!
So this week, I thought I would share with you a little bit about my reader's workshop! During this time, I do my read-aloud, mini-lesson, me time and we time.
I generally do my read-aloud first. This time comes right after we come in from recess and my kiddos have gotten all their wiggles out and are ready to listen. My mini-lesson usually goes hand in hand with my read-aloud.
For example, this week, we are reading The Little Red Hen! I don't always do a close read, some weeks we do a different read-aloud each day. I try not to allow my read-aloud to last longer than 10 minutes as to keep the kiddos engaged and paying attention.
My mini lessons are used to teach reading procedures, skills, and strategies. The picture below includes anchor charts that my students helped me make for procedures during me time and we time. My mini-lessons are either integrated into my read-aloud or are an extra 5 minutes. I make them small and short so they are attainable for my kiddos!
Me Time
Me time is my students' independent reading time. Right now, this time is only 8 minutes long. By the end of the year, we build up to 20 minutes. During this time my students read alone from their book boxes.
Their book boxes include: an ABC tracing book, a song book, and 10 just right books. They keep these just right books for a week and then book shop on Mondays.
My kiddos have their own spot for me time. I find the more spread out they are, the better of a reader they are! I make it clear very early how important it is to focus on your reading.
We Time
We time is my students partner/group reading time. Right now, they sit at their tables with known books and read with each other. Sometimes kids read alone, with a partner, or the whole table will join in. This time is about 10 minutes.
This is a picture of two of my little sweeties reading the Itsy Bitsy Spider. They were adorable!
During me time and we time, I confer individually with students, and pull one guided reading group. I find individual conferring much more effective in moving students forward than having all guided reading groups. I know that is not how everyone does it, but it works for me!
I also do shared reading and literacy stations, but this is done separate from reader's workshop. I'll show you our work during that time of the day another time!
Enjoy your week!
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